1. General
These general contracting conditions apply to all commercial transactions made in our online store, www.frappeshop.com, hereinafter the seller. For more information about the seller and our Personal Data Privacy Policy, see the link hosted in the footer of this store.
The present legal conditions are appropriate to the different legal norms related to the virtual sale of products and services, such as Law 7/1996, of January 15 on Retail Trade Management (amended by Law 47/2002); Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, (amended by Royal Decree-Law 13/2012, of March 30); Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, General recast text for the Defense of Consumers and users; Law 3/2004, of March 27, which modifies the consolidated text of the general Law for the Defens of Consumers and users and other complementary laws, approved by Royal Legislative decree 1/2007, of Novbember 16, Law 44/2006 of December 29, on improving the protection of consumers and users; Royal Decree 1906/1999, of December 17, 1999, which regulates Telephone or electronic procurement with general conditions; Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal data; Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which approves the regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999, of December13 on he protection of personal data; Law 56/2007, of December 28, on Impulse Measures of the information society; Law 29/2009, of December 30, which modifies the legal regime of unfair competion and advertising to improve the protection of consumers and users; General Law 32/2003 of Telecommunications ( amended by Royal decree-law 13/2012, of March 30).
The seller reserves the right to modify these General Conditions of Purchase and Sale, in order to adapt them to current legislation applicable at all times, jurisprudential developments and usual market practices.
Please read these Purchase and Sale conditions and our Personal Data Privacy Policy carefully before placing your order. If you do not agree with all the Conditions of Purchase and Sale and with the Privacy Policy of Personal Data, you must not place any order.
Only people with sufficient legal capacity to sign contracts related to the kind of goods and service presented on this website can place orders in the online store.
The user, by providing their data, accepts the legal conditions, other notices and conditions, regulations of use and instructions made known to them and personal data privacy policy of the online store.
The user undertakes to use the online store in accordance with the Law, the general conditions of use, the Legal Notice, and other notices, regulations of use and instructions make known to it.
The user undertakes to use the contents in a diligent, correct and lawful manner and, in particular, undertakes to refrain from (a) using the contents in a manner, for purposes or effects contrary to the law, morality and good customs generally accepted or public order; (b) reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public access through any form of public communications, transform or modify the content, unless authorized by THE HOLDER of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted; (c) delete, evade or manitulate "copyright" and other identifying data.
It is prohibited to carry out without any authorization any type of advertising or commercial information directly or covertly sending mass mailings ("Spamming").
Likewise, it is prohibited to carry out actions that my occur in the online store or through it by any means, any tye of damage to the seller´s system, or its legitimate owners or third parties.
Any link that is made with the contents, will requiere the prior approval of the seller and must allow, through the appropriate visualization, the identification of its origin. The use of this information on other Internet sites will require express authhorization.
The seller reserves the right to deny or withdraw access to the online store and/or its services, at any time and without prior notice, to those users who breach the General Conditions or infringe any of the precepts established by Law 34/2002, of July 12, on services of the information society and electronic commerce.
2. User registration
Access, use of certain services and applications offered on the website requires prior user registration through a registration form. The data provided by users in said form will be incorporated into an automated file whose responsible and owner is the seller, whose treatment will be subject to Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Proection of Personal Data, and its development regulations.
Users who place orders through the site www.frappeshop.com acknowledges being of legal age. The hiring carried out by minors requires the prior authorization of their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be held responsible for the hirring carried out by the minors in their case.
3. Identification
Gusto Global S.L, with CIF B92652601 , and professional address at Pasaje arcipreste Talavera, 14 - C.P. 29004 Malaga. Any communication may be directed to the professional address, or the email address info@frappeshop.com .
4. Activity
The seller is decicated to the sale of hospitality items.
5. Contents and information provied on the website
The seller reserves the right to modify the comercial offer prestented on the website ( modifications on products, prices, promotions and other commercial service conditions) at any time. The seller makes every effort within its means to offer the information contained in the website thruthfully and without typographical erros. In the even that at some time there is an error proceed inmediatly to its correction. If there is a typographical error in any of the prices shown and a customer has made a purchase decison based on said error, the seller will notify the customer of said error and the customer will have the right to rescind his purchse without any cost on his part.
The contents of the website the seller may , on occasion , show provisional information about some products. In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product, the customer will have the right to rescind his purchase without any cost on his part.
The seller is not directly or indirectly responsible for nay of the information, content, statements and expressions contained in the product sold. This resposibility rest at all time with the manufactures of said products. The customer understands that the seller is an intermediary between him and said manufacturer.
6. Sales system
To make a purchase, the user can sed us their order by using the "shopping cart" existing in the virtual store.
It should be noted that orders will be shipped within the limits of available stock.
If one of the items ordered is not in stock, we promise to send you and email to let you know when there is stock available from the manufacturer.
7. Applicable taxes
The prices of the products that are displayed on the website of the seller, include the value added tax (VAT) that, where appropriate, may apply.
Purchase to be delivered within the territory of any of the member states of the European Union will be subject to their corresponding VAT.
Purchase that must be delivered in the territories of non-member states of the European Union, or in the Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla will be exempt from VAT.
8. Payment method
The seller offers users and buyers the possibility to choose between the following payment methods:
Credit or debit card
It will be directed to the secure page of our banking entity under which , the data of your card travels in an encrypted form, not storing any data of it.
9. Shipping
Our shipments are made in 48 working hours for shipping within the peninsula.
We only ship to Spain( Peninsula, Balearic and Canary Islands) and Portugal.
Transportation is calculated dependin on the weigh and destination of the order.
If you have any questions about the shipping costs, you can contact us at 952056553 or email info@frappeshop.com
The products will be sent through the transport company Tipsa. Orders will not be served in PO Boxes or other non-permanent addresses. The order will be sent ot the address you indicated at the time you made your purchase.
10. Customer Obligations
The customer of the seller undertakes at all times to provide truthful information about the date resuested in the user registration or order fulfillemtn forms, and to keep them updated at all times.
The client undertakes to accept all the provisions and conditionsset forth in these general contracting coditions, understanding that they include the best possible service will for the type of activity carried out by the seller.
Likewise, you agree to keep your personal access codes confidential to our website with the utmost diligence.
The customer agrees to enable the delivery of the requested order by providing a delivery address where the requested order can be delivered wthin the usual delivery time by the logistic service. The personal delivery data must be correctly included in the